Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Girl Gab
Tonight was the first night for our new group 'Girl Gab'. I recently decided that I wasn't getting nearly enough friend time during the week so I sent out some did mom, since we decided this would be a group for women of all ages.......and waited to see what kind of response I would get. And I must say that for the first night we had a great time! Plans were made for future Thursday nights, and I was able to reconnect with friends that I haven't seen in years! Literally!
I also enjoyed the time with my sister. Now, I know I see her quite a bit through the week, but ( as much as I love and adore my niece and nephews ) it was nice to sit and have some conversations with her without a little voice interrupting :-)
We read through Philippians tonight and had a great discussion afterwards. Melted chocolate squished between pretzels was on our menu for this evenings snack (since we all decided that chocolate is a MUST have for these gatherings) and we split into teams and played that game with raw spaghetti and gum drops. For those of you who have never played I think the picture below explains it all :-) Our team won by one inch, with a whopping 27 inch tower!
Looking forward to our next meeting!
The Champions
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's a Wonderful Life
The intake room is where you call the patient back and get their vitals , talk to the parent/guardian about the reason for the visit, and answer any of their questions. If you feel it necessary you also order any flu or strep tests to be done in the lab. You also keep track of which rooms are empty and show the patients to their room to wait for the doctor.
The best part of working in the intake room is that you get one-on-one contact with all the patients......get to hold the 2 days old babies and everything :-)
The hardest part, however, is when you get a patient form and realize that you can't pronounce the name! Or, like what happened yesterday, you get a name like Geronimo and feel like if you go to the waiting room and yell 'Geronimo'! everybody is going to get up and run away :-) Or you get sister's named Ackinzie and Danae and accidentally call for McKenzie and Renae! Oh well.
I had to stay home sick today. My co-workers told me that I would most likely get sick within the first two weeks of working there, and they were right. A little boy was afraid of my temporal thermometer on Tuesday so I bent down to his level so I wasn't so intimidating and he coughed right in my face.....they said eventually my immune system will be strong enough to deal with it.
I'm also learning to be a 'holder'.....which put simply, is someone who helps hold the child down while getting a shot.
I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me. If my first week there is evidence of how all my time working there will go, then I don't see why I won't be there for years :-)
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Baaaaackkkk
After finishing my CNA classes this summer ( and receiving my license/certificate ) my family had a party for me. We had it at a local restaurant, with just a small group of family and friends
This September one of my Mom's childhood friends brought her family to visit and spend the day with us. It was the first time for some of us to meet, and it was cool to finally meet the friend that I had heard so many stories about. This is Cosette with Sarah, one of the younger children in the family.
It was such a nice day that we spent most of it in the yard enjoying the sunshine!
In the beginning of October, my Mom and I took a trip to visit Ken Ham's Creation Museum. We had a two day pass, so we spent a few days on the trip and were happy with our hotel room and a King size bed :-) Traveling from our house to the Museum, we were in 6 states in only 6 new personal record
Some of the displays were so life-like! If you ever plan on going to CM, I definitely encourage you to buy a two day pass, as there is sooo much to see and read.
The Gardens located behind the Museum were beautiful. We went at the time of year when it was starting to get a little chilly out, but it wasn't so cold that we couldn't enjoy walking around.
On our way back to the hotel after our first day at the museum, Mom spotted a cloud in the sky that looked strangely like a dinosaur head! Maybe it was just because we had them on our mind after being at the CM all day, but I think sometimes God likes to let you know he's watching what your doing :-)
Noah absolutely loves to ride on the 4-wheeler. This was his first time riding, and he just stuck his thumb in his mouth and sat there, as if all was right with the world now. Each time Wray would pass the porch where we were all sitting, Noah would laugh and wave as if to say, "Look at me!"
This is Cosette and I watching The Swiss Family Robinson. Although she enjoyed the time at our house, she admitted later that this was not her favorite movie.....The next picture explains why..........
......There were some 'slightly scary for a 4-year-old' Cosette was glad to have a blanket to cover her eyes....
Well, that's all for now! You've been updated on my summer, and I'll try better to keep you updated a little more often.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
*Bounty, the quilted, the mess inside my washer...

That roll of paper towels...the one that I had been too busy to look for.....had some how been knocked into the washer and washed with my laundry! I have no idea how this happened, and most of all how I didn't notice!
The Lesson Learned: Bounty is not only quick at cleaning up messes.....its also really good at MAKING messes
The Quilted Quicker Picker Up-er
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Finish Line
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race ---2 Timothy 4:7
All the tests have been completed, all the forms have been signed, all the class work has been completed. I thought it would take forever, but in what seems like the blink of an eye the summer is almost gone and all the classes are over.
Now, its time to get to work :-]
Friday, August 7, 2009
Clinicals....Almost done!
If you had told me on June 15th when classes started that this day would come so fast I probably would have just laughed, thinking 'yeah right' in my head. However, believe it or not, the past 2 months have flown by and there are now only two days of clinicals standing between me and my certificate! To be honest, I have a problem finishing a lot of stuff that I start, so the fact that the end is in my grasp amazes me....and my family :-)
There are several people who have really helped me in making through a summer full of classes, and I would like to thank them publicly.
- Dad: Making phone calls to the business office, calling me off sick when I caught a stomach bug from the nursing home, and those much appreciated extra tanks of gas are just a few of the things you did that made this summer less stressful for me.
- Mom: I would be in such a hurry to get to class in the morning that my room would always look like a tornado went through it when I left. However, every day when I came home my room would be in perfect order. I know we joked about the little elves that cleaned it up, but I want you to know how much such a simple act means! And most of all, thank you for my daily proverb. Every one of them hit a place in my heart...usually exactly what I needed to hear that day!
- Wray: I so appreciate your encouragement! You may not realize it, but your text messages to me every morning before class started put me in better spirits for the day. Just to know that you were thinking about me made me feel like a pretty special sister :-]
- Joel, Jaime, and Kids: Thank you so much for your prayers. You both reminded me that you were praying for me and were always interested in how my day at school had gone. Thanks for being there in thoughts and prayers!
Just a few more days! I can hardly believe it!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Clinicals....One Day Down....
I'm not a doctor, but I'll take a look....... :-)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Hint of Laughter, a Dash of Fun, and 4 Wheels
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thankful Thoughts #7 --- Each New Day
- I thank You, God, for Your Guardian Angels that were watching over Wray and the other driver Saturday morning
- I thank You, God, that no other cars were near by
- I thank You, God, for seat belts!
- I thank You, God, that Wray's car did not flip over when it started to spin
- I thank You, God, that the other driver escaped her over turned car with only a small scratch
- I thank You, God, for the EMS and EMT
- I thank You, God, for insurance
- I thank You, God, for sending my brother home to me
- And most of all, God, I thank you for EACH NEW DAY!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Love of My Life......
Unfortunately Eli was the only little boy in the play area at the mall that day. As you can see, the girls weren't too welcoming...
Bringing back many childhood memories for his Aunt, Eli hid behind every box on every shelf :-) Can you "Find It" ???
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thankful Thoughts #6 --- To Train Up a Child

Cosette: "Aunt Kristin, did you know that I have TWO dads?"
Me: "Really? Who are they?"
Cosette: "Well, I have one on earth who takes care of me. He buys me food, and clothes, and takes care of my family. His name is Joel! Then, I have one who lives way up in heaven, but that's ok, because hes with me all the time anyway. Hes making sure that when I die, there is room for me to come live with him. His name is Jesus! Don't I have two really great Dads?"
Me: "Yes Cosette, you certainly do!"
Monday, June 1, 2009
...May Her Testimony Carry On...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Three Little Kids Sitting in a Row....
One little boy who was tired of the pool and just wanted
to lay on "the nice soft towel".
Add all that up and what do you get?
Three little kids sitting in a row!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Girl Who Cried 'Nurse'!
That took me back to many many years ago....let me explain....
When I was a little girl, I couldn't stand hospitals, doctor's offices, dentist offices...basically anything that had to do with doctors and nurses. I would literally start feeling sick if I knew we were going to visit a person at the hospital. The smell, the strange noises, ugh....I hated it all.
Therefore, since the time she could talk, Kristin Skidmore has made it know that "I will NEVER be a nurse!"
This proves you to be correct, Kalia! I told God my plans and he just laughed, "Yeah right Kristin! Too bad you're not in charge!"
I am thrilled about becoming a CNA. Actually, I haven't been this excited about something in a long time! I'm excited about all the opportunities that this will open up for me.
In other words, learn from my example.....NEVER, ever ever...say NEVER!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The End of the Beginning, and the Beginning of the End!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thankful Thoughts #5 --- Always
Thank You God! You always know when I need a word of encouragement!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lets Get Together.......
(Left to Right)
Me, Wray, Damara, Skyler, and Larae
Many Years Later......
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My Grandma.....and My Pap
My Grandparents on their 25th Wedding Anniversary
October 1986
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Westinghouse

A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting on one of the shelves.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Last Supper
Taking the cup and thanking
This is my blood,God's new covenant poured
I'll not be drinking wine from this cup
Friday, April 3, 2009
This is Next
I just discovered that Joshua Harris will be having a Next conference in Baltimore, MD later next month (May 23rd-26th.) This is similar to the New Attitude conferences he did several years ago, for anyone who is familiar with those. I've ordered some info packets, which I expect in the mail sometime next week. I'll hopefully be planning to get a group together, but I'll post more about that when I have more details. The conference is geared towards college students and young married couples, ages 18-29, but anyone is welcome to come. All the registration and cost info is on the website Check it out and be thinking about it. Baltimore really isn't that far, and it sounds like its going to be an amazing 4 days!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thankful Thoughts #4 --- Spare Keys and A Big Brother

Monday, March 23, 2009
Family Vacation --- The Last Days :-(
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Family Vacation --- Day #4
Today has been the warmest day yet so me, Wray, and Sarah did a little souvenir shopping this morning and then spent a few hours down at the beach this afternoon. Therefore, not a lot of pictures were taken, but I did take a picture of the house yesterday so I thought I would share that with you.

Ha! Just kidding ;-) Here is a picture of the house we're really staying in. (sorry about the dead bush that is blocking part of the house, but I guess it kinda makes this post a little funnier :-) )
Well, I'll try to take some more pictures tomorrow! Its not supposed to be quite as warm so I shouldn't be spending as much time at the beach and will be able to take more pics.........
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Family Vacation --- Day #3
Whats the point in climbing on top of a random rock in the middle of the beach if you can't take some fun pictures, right?
My hunky-surfer-dude-brother :-)
This is Wray, SAND surfing.....and getting his shorts full! Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike sand?
Cosette: I miss you, little lady! I'm going to call your house sometime tomorrow! You need to tell me what you have been up to with out me.....