Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Semester Memories
Ok, so I know I said I'd post after my final last Wednesday, but I decided to wait a little while so I could remember every thing I wanted to tell you about my semester. In the past week I've remembered lots of fun...and not so funny....memories from the semester. Some made me and my friends laugh, while others made us want to cry (or loose our lunch, but hey, its anatomy class...what do you you expect :-) )
So my hope is that this post will make you laugh and bring some joy to your day.......
- We were warned on the very first day in anatomy class that we would be dissecting a cat mid-semester. Yeah, not exactly the news you want on the first day of class. However, we all tried to joke about it and tried not to dread that day too much. So, a few weeks before 'cat day' me and my friend Ashely were in the lab room studying some slides before an exam that afternoon. While we were there a rather large box was delivered to the room with our instructors name on it. Convinced that the box contained our little cat friends, we tried to ignore it and continue studying our slides. However, curiosity got the best of us and we wandered over to get a closer look. Everything about the box said "MEOW" to us :-) We decided to take a peek inside.....A copier machine! Relief and disappointment hit us at the same time :-)
- Cat day came! Clad in aprons and a double layer of plastic gloves is how you found Me, Ashley, and Shayla. Its not that we didn't want to do it, we were actually getting kind of excited...we just didn't want it on us. However, somehow in the process of pulling off cat fat, Shayla slipped with her tweezers and sent a HUGE piece of fat flying toward Ashley. It landed right in the middle of her arm and sent fat juice onto her face. Needless to say it was a topic of our discussion the rest of the semester :-)
- Ashley and I were studying in the Library for an exam that afternoon when the fire alarm went off. Everyone was evacuated from the school and sent to the parking lot. However, as soon as we got outside they sent us back in.....We figured it was just a drill. I was talking to another friend later and found out a theater student was practicing his scene with the smoke machine and set off the alarm on accident. "Whoops" is about all he could say :-)
- Due to having some house guests, I missed a day of school. We had a quiz in math that day, so I had to go to the math lab to make it up. I sat down to take the quiz, and quickly began to freak out! I didn't know anything that was on the quiz! None of it looked familiar; even the way it was set up looked different than the way my instructor normally did her quiz'. Nobody was in the room, so I sneaked into the file cabinet with all the quiz' and found that the 'math lab person' had given me the wrong quiz! *breaths a sigh of relief.....*
- Word of advice: never listen to the conversation of your classmates who sit behind you in probably don't want to know what they're talking about.....'nuf said :-)
- In my sociology class I was often know as 'the pencil girl'. How college students can show up on exam day without a pencil is beyond me! I always carried extra in my bookbag and let me assure you that every week in Sociology, every one of those pencils was being used by my classmates.
- Due to two weeks of Sociology class being canceled, me and my 'team members' put together a 20 minute presentation at 7:00 one Tuesday evening.....class started 7:30 :-) Hey, what could we snowed for two weeks! The pressure must of helped because our group received one of the highest grades on the presentation.
- There was a guy in my Sociology class from Ethiopia! How cool is that! He has only been in the US for a few months.....well, since the beginning of the semester. None of us could say his name, so we all just called him Hizzy.
Well, that's all for now. I'm sure there is more, but I have all of break to remember and post :-) I'm glad to have a break, but I'm looking forward to next semester. I really enjoyed meeting so many new people, and classes kept me occupied. In fact, I feel lost without my friends and classes.......
Thursday, December 4, 2008
For Your Enjoyment
My family's Thanksgiving day table. Before we ate Cosette and Eli both said their 'thankful' Bible verse and then Cosette said the blessing on the food
Afterwards a stressful game of Cooties was won by my mom.....aka Grandma Karen. Grandma Rosina (background) was an amazing referee.
We celebrated my cousins birthday on Thanksgiving too. Grandma Rosina was quite creative and brought along a pumpkin shaped birthday cake.
Cosette and I after a long evening of playing. She spent the night with us a few nights ago and I realized even more how much she is growing up
My dad with his namesake, Noah Shaun.
On November 1st I took a bus trip to New York City with some friends. We had an amazing time! We were very amused, however, to discover that the only place you can find trees in NYC is on top of buildings! And even then they're more like little twigs stuck in the ground.
On September 27th, I took a bus trip with my friend Lacey to Washington DC. We spent the day visiting the Lincoln Memorial, World War 2 Memorial, Washington Memorial, the Arlington Cemetery, Vietnam Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown soldier, and the Holocaust Museum....quite the busy day! We had a blast though...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mood Music
I have a lot of time when I'm just riding in my car; 20 minutes to school 3 times a week ( an then again headed home), 15 minutes to the church several times a week, any other time I do stuff during the week usually involves at least a 15 minute ride down the mountain.
So, I separated my Christian Artist CDs from my Secular Artists CDs. For one week straight, I listened to only the secular artists during drive time. Artists such as
I must say that I had a very depressing, emotional week! As I listened to these songs all these emotions would start popping up. My heart was heavy with hurts, I was irritable with my family, I hated school, and my life centered around my hurts.
So, the next week I listened to all Christian Artists. ( Too many to name them all, so I'll just mention a few that I listened to)
Casting Crowns
Brandon Heath
Jeff Johnson
Chris Tomlin
It was amazing how much of a change there was! I had such an encouraging week. My heart was light, I couldn't wait 'til my family got home in the evening, I looked forward to going to school, and God turned the hurts into JOY!
The secular songs were all about heartbreaks, relationships failing, hurt, depression, and so on. But during that second week God reminded me how much HE loves me. I don't need to rely on the things of this earth to make me happy. People will fail, hurts will come, life will not go how I planned it, and yes...that anatomy homework will still be waiting for me when I get home.....but God never fails! He is my Constant.
So the next time you go to pop in that CD or turn on that ipod, think about the message of the songs. Will they bring you down, or will they remind you of the love of God and give you a Christ centered day........
Friday, November 14, 2008
Last Chance
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Joy in My Life
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Heart of the Issue
A Spooky Scene
Friday, October 17, 2008
God is Good!
I had been wondering that for a while after July 2007, when I hosted the Secret Keeper Girl conference. I had been praying all that summer that the conference would make a difference in someones life....their life on earth, and their eternal life in Heaven.
Summer 2008 came and I hadn't really heard any testimonies from that night.....after a while, I became a little discouraged. Over 100 people at the conference and I hadn't heard one word about it.
Then recently, a lady approached me and asked:
"Are you Kristin Skidmore? The one who did the Secret Keeper conference?"
"Yes I am, why?"
" My daughter and I attended that conference, and I wanted to tell you how much we loved it. My daughter learned so much from it! Now when we go shopping she's always looking for Secret Keeper clothes. Every where we go she finds a reason to bring up what she learned that night. My husband and I are so glad you did the conference."
Thanks God....I needed that!
Then, a little while later, I found out that two of my former SKG students started a bible study with some of their friends. They're studying the same subjects that you will find in the SKG book. And, the friends that they started the group with are two girls that had wanted to attend my SKG summer camp, but for one reason or another were unable to! How cool is that?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Ruin Me!
Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty
Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Dead Weight
...put them in this book bag...
...and this is what you get...
27 pounds!
It only took me the first 7 hour day of school to realize that I was getting plenty of physical exercise without the class :-) What do you think?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Back Porch Viewing
However, travel about 20 minutes west, and this is what you will find:
Oh no, we don't often have deer in our yard, and I don't think I've ever seen a turkey out my window. However, since two of our neighbors happen to be farmers this is the animal life you find in our yard......
Not quite as calm or peaceful. You can't hear the drop of a pin over, 'chomp, chomp, snort'. And if dad finds them in the yard, you can guarantee that he'll go running through the yard screaming something-or-other trying to get them to stop eating the apple tree. :-)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Focus, Kristin......Focus!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Take Me Out to the Ball Game.........
Elizabeth and I spent Sunday evening at an Altoona Curve baseball game. Our group of 7 decided last minute to make the trip, and I must say that it was definitely worth it! The park was amazing, the fire works were beautiful, and the cheese fries were delicious :-)
Both of our dads caught a fly ball.....well, kinda. The way Elizabeths dad dove for his....gosh, he should have tried out for the team :-)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Not a Failure, but a Huge Success
Its been a while, I know. I could try to blame the busy summer months, but the truth is that I've had a total lack of motivation to blog over the past few weeks. Once again, there is something that I need to post about but have had no idea where to start. Does that ever happen to anyone else? Anyway, I'll stop rambling and get to my point.....
In my last post I told everyone about this amazing guy I had met, completely fallen for, and had recently started courting. I can't really explain what happened next, because I'm still working it all out in my own head. All I can say is that we felt God saying that this was not what He wanted for us. So we decided to end the courtship.
At first, I was pretty upset. Not understanding why after only one month God would ask us to, for total lack of a different word, 'breakup'. I felt like the courtship had been a FAILURE. But then, after praying about it for a while, I had this 'conversation' with myself.
"What is the purpose of courtship?
It's to allow time to become someones friend, get to know them, and decide if you could spend the rest of your life with them.
How so?
You spend time talking to them and getting to know them, and avoid the physical side of a relationship.
Wait a minute, that's what we did! So really our courtship was a SUCCESS!"
I thank God everyday for bringing me and Adam together the way He did. I can come out of this with all the respect and dignity that I went into it with. How so? I never gave Adam anything.....and I don't mean material things, if you get my point. Adam never asked anything physical of me. He respected me as any man should respect a lady. I thank God for making Adam the man he is.
What am I saying? Through all of this I have gained a best friend! I can't tell you how many hours we spent just talking, getting to know each other. We know each other inside-out and will never look back with regrets on our 'physical side' of the relationship.
So Adam, if you're reading this, I want to say Thank You and let you to know that you really are and always will be my Best Friend. I type with tears in my eyes......I know you've been in Hampton less than 24 hours, but I already miss my best friend. I promise I'm not counting days, but I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving so I can cream you and Wray in Jenga :-)
And as I said at the beginning of this post, you are pretty amazing....even if you can't wink ;-P
I pray God's best for you this year; I know he has great things planned for you!
With all that said, here are some pictures of stuff that I should have been blogging about all summer :-) Enjoy.....
I also made sure Cosette had her 'summer dose' of sugar :-)
What are Aunts for, anyway?
Wray took me for a ride on his new motorcycle...of which
he is quite proud.....
......took advantage of some photo opportunities :-)
And last but not least, became the queen of Jenga :-P
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
November 2006 - Present :-)
When I start reading someones blog I like to find out why they started blogging. Many people have shared these reasons with me: boredom, 'my new hobbie' journaling, venting :-), pleasure.....etc.
Me? Why did I join the crazy world of blogging? My reason just so happens to be 6 feet 2 inches tall :-)
But let me back up to, oh, lets say November 27th, 2006. I was invited to a friends birthday party, where I met a friend of my cousins. His name was Adam. I remember driving home that night thinking, "Wow, what a nice guy. Too bad I'll probably never see him again." ( If I had only know :-) )
So, the weeks go by, and Adam starts showing up at my church on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings. ( he attends a church down the road) I'm gonna be totally honest Christmas, I was hooked. Any time the church was planning an event or my friends were getting together, I'd pray that Adam would show up. :-)
Little by little, we started talking. When my Mom had open heart surgery in January of 2007, I was sitting in the waiting room and I received a text message on my phone. It was Adam, checking on Mom. Over the week that my family stayed in the townhouse near the hospital, we talked just about non-stop. If we weren't on the phone, we were texting. Yes, Jaime....I do remember conversations I had with other people that week :-P
Okay, now let me jump ahead. We spent basically the entire summer together.....until August 24th, 2007. Adam left for Master's Commission. For those of you who are not familiar with Master's, its a 9 month discipleship program. ( more info at ) We were both excited about this opportunity for him....except for one little detail. As a first year at Master's, you are under a relationships. The 9 months is meant as a time to grow closer to God without the pressure of any outside relationships. It was bittersweet: We were both excited for the time to focus on God and search Him out, but at the same time we knew it wasn't going to be easy.
So, I said all that to say this: that is why I started my blog. It was a way to 'communicate' with Adam, without actually talking to him :-) I had no idea so many other people would find my blog!
He came home for Thanksgiving, at which time the closest I came to seeing him was seeing his car parked in his Church's parking lot. Thankfully though, we did at least get to spend some time together over Christmas....with lots of family and friends surrounding.
He graduated from his first year back in May. Which brings me to another point.....that is why I haven't been blogging near as much. I've been a little preoccupied catching up the past 9 months.
So where are we in our relationship now? As of a few days after his graduation, we have started courting. Courting?
One of the things that made me notice Adam to begin with was the way he treated girls, and the respect he showed towards them. We soon found out that we both agreed on the way a relationship should be handled. Avoid the physical side and concentrate on become strong friends.
Which would be the definition of courting.
We have been so encouraged by my sister and brother-in-law. They also courted, and now have an amazing relationship within their marriage.
I was also on another blog, (the link on my page: High Calling ) and read the story of Beverly's courtship. It is so encouraging to read about other people who have the same experiences.
My plea: I know Jaime, and occasionally Beverly, read my blog. If the two of you (or anyone else I may not know of) have suggestions or stories of any sort, they would be greatly appreciated. I love reading how it worked out for others.
Please pray for us, as we are still seeking God's direction in this. We don't know where any of it will lead, but are keeping God in the front row.
Ok, I'm done now :-)
( Sorry I don't have a current picture. The most current one I have on here is under my April 27th post, "Prayer Request." ok, ok, so he was more than a good friend :-) )
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I'm Still Alive!
Yes, I'm still in blogger land......I just haven't posted in quite a while :-) Life has been crazy over the last few weeks, and my blog was put at the bottom of my to-do list. It feels good to be back though :-)
I have something I really want to post about, but it will take some thinking on my part and the next shift will soon be here ( I'm at work ). For now, I just wanted everyone (DANA) to know that I'm still here, and will actually 'post' something in the next few days.......:-)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
In Memory
When I got back from the funeral home last night ( Grandma Hazel ) there was a message on the phone from my friend Lacey. She sounded upset so I called her back quickly. She did not have good news.....
Our friend, Jeni Rempel, was killed in a car accident early Sunday morning.
Jeni and I became friends when she joined the homeschool group I was apart of (about 8 years ago).

"A confluence woman was seriously injured in a single-vehicle accident early Sunday on Listonburg Road, according to Pennsylvania State Police.Jeni Jonae Rempel was transported to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, W.Va., and was listed in critical condition after the accident, police said.Rempel was driving a 1988 Buick when she reportedly lost control of the car and drove off the roadway into the south berm, causing the vehicle to become wedged between two trees. A passing motorist observed the vehicle at about 3 a.m. and saw that Rempel was unresponsive in the passenger side."
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Best
This is my family..........
This post is dedicated to my Mom, in honor of Mothers Day. She has dedicated many years of her life to not only raising her children, but also giving them an education....which isn't always easy ;-)
(just for you mom :-) )
While Mom was careful to make sure we all understood fractions, carbon, horizontal vs. vertical...etc....she was even more concerned that we all had a strong faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Hours, Days, Weeks, Months she spent with us studying memory verses, going over practice questions, and loooong drives to quiz meets where she spent her entire day dedicated to us. With some friends from church, we put together a top notch quiz team (if I may say so myself) and she was always the first to encourage and support us. This picture shows Jaime with a quizzing trophy.
Mom always wanted her three children to have close relationships with each other. Her dream was for the three of us to stay close once we were grown. And I can honestly say that she did an excellent job. :-) We obviously had normal sibling squabbles when we were young, but we remain close to this day.
Even when Jaime went off to college, we were still a 3some......
So heres to you Mom! To the years of your life you dedicated to your family ( and the years to come ). We may not express this as often as we should, but we all appreciate every thing you've done for us! From putting extra salt on that apple :-) to late night talks when we needed it most. You definitely are the Best!
We Love You Mom!
Happy Mothers Day!
Monday, May 5, 2008
This and That
I did manage to get a pretty cute picture of the Cosette and Eli though :-) This was taken Friday evening when I got home from work......
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Another Conversation with Cosette
Cosette told me today that she was learning her 'chores'.
Me : Really, what do you have to do?
Cosette: Puzzled look. I don't have to do anything, you just say them.
Me: Well, what do you have to say?
Cosette: A-E-I-O-U!
Me: Cosette, I think you meant that you're learning your Vowels
Cosette: Oh yeah, that's what I meant!
She had her vowels down pat, but her words were a little mixed up :-)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Prayer Request
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My Sweet Little Niece :-)
We watched Cosette and Eli for a few hours this morning and afternoon. When Jaime came to pick them up Cosette jumped up in my arms.....
Cosette: I'm gonna miss you when I go home
Kristin: Really?
Cosette: Yeah, I don't know when I'll see you again
Kristin: Well, I'm going to be gone for 2 days this weekend, but I'll come to your house tomorrow to say goodbye before I leave. Ok?
Cosette: Two days! That's a long time. Are you living in a hotel while you're gone? Can I come with you!?
Kristin: Yeah, I'm staying in a hotel with some friends from church but I think you need to stay at home with mommy and daddy and Eli. They would miss you too.
Cosette: Ok......Promise you'll come say goodbye tomorrow?
Kristin: I promise.....
Cosette: Gives me a big hug :-D
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sleep over at Aunt Kristin's House

She really wanted to 'camp' in my room, so she slept in a sleeping bag on my floor. She said she slept wonderfully; although I'm not so sure she did, because I watched her for a while and she rolled from one end of my room to the next......I had to keep putting her back in her sleeping bag with her pile of blankets. I gave up eventually when I realized it was a hopeless task :-) In the morning I woke up to this little voice saying, " Aunt Kristin, I'm ready to get up now! ......I'm ready to get up now!.......Aunt Kristin!..........I have to go potty!" Ok...I'm up!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sir Eli and Lady Cosette
Because I had 2 friends to play with today!