Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back Porch Viewing

When you visit my grandparents house you often have the privilege of sitting on their porch while watching some sort of wildlife in their backyard. They often have deer, and sometimes turkeys wandering through their yard. Its very peaceful sitting there just watching; you can hear the drop of a pin.....

However, travel about 20 minutes west, and this is what you will find:

Oh no, we don't often have deer in our yard, and I don't think I've ever seen a turkey out my window. However, since two of our neighbors happen to be farmers this is the animal life you find in our yard......

Not quite as calm or peaceful. You can't hear the drop of a pin over, 'chomp, chomp, snort'. And if dad finds them in the yard, you can guarantee that he'll go running through the yard screaming something-or-other trying to get them to stop eating the apple tree. :-)


Anonymous said...

:-) ... My colleague once had the neighbour's sheeps in his garden and they about munched everything green, before he realised, that they had broken the gate :-)

Beverly said...

Wow -- haha - not too comfortable a feeling. I think I'm with your dad although I might just scream and yell from the back door!