Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Guys 'n Gals

I was at Jaime's house for a few hours today for the simple fact that I needed some 'sister, niece and nephew time'. In the few hours that I was there, I learned several lessons about 'Guys 'n Gals'......

Lesson 1: Girls Delight in art projects........Guys Devour their art projects
When I got there Cosette was sitting at the table painting a picture and Eli was getting ready to color a picture.
I watched Cosette for a while; she was doing a good job at staying in the lines and rinsing out her brush. Eli was being very quite so looked across the table to check on him and found him having a great time eating his crayons. :-)

Lesson 2: Girls think of an Aunt as someone who makes great Peanut Butter balls. Guys think of an Aunt as someone who makes a great tissue
Cosette and I had fun making peanut butter balls today. I'll admit, by the time we were finished we were a bit sticky...but we had fun none the less.
I noticed Eli rubbing his eyes and I asked if he was sleepy. He said he was and laid his head down on my arm. He didn't leave it there for long, and before he pulled his head up he took his nose and ran it all the way up my sleeve; that wouldn't have been bad except for the fact that he has a rather snotty nose at the moment. Yeah, you get the picture :-)

Lesson 3: Girls eat snacks slowly.....Guys eat them all at once :-)
Cosette and Eli each had a small cup of peanuts for a snack. Cosette was eating hers relatively slow (about one peanut every 45 seconds, which considering the size of one peanut is really slow) Eli took his cup and dumped every last peanut into his mouth in about 5 seconds :-)

Lesson 4: Aunt Kristin wouldn't have it any other way
I love it! The fact that Cosette wants sit on the couch and read a book and Eli want to do somersaults off it just shows how awesome our God is. He took the time to create each of their little minds and give them their own little personalities. We can't make Eli like dolls, and we can't make Cosette eat her crayons :-) So just look to the little ones to see the amazing work of our God!


Unknown said...

This has to be one of my fav posts yet!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm sure you noticed a new comment and when you open it up, it's just mom. But I wanted to say hi and I miss you. Hope you have a good day "off" (Thursday). See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Kristin I agree with Dana that you have a great site. Looking for great more happings at the Skidmore and Curtis family.