Wednesday, January 23, 2008


One year ago today, I was sitting in a waiting room at Johns Hopkins University. Wray was sitting to my right, Grandma Rosina was to my left. Pappy John was pacing the hallway and dad had found another 'waiting room guest' to talk to. Pappy Babe and Grandma Carol were also in the waiting room, I believe sitting against a wall to my left. The waiting room was full that day, not many seats were empty. I was keeping my mind occupied with sudoku puzzles and Wray had found an activity book. The walls were painted yellow, as if trying to say, "Smile! Everything will be ok!" I remember seeing Grandma Carol with her eyes closed and head bowed, obviously in prayer. I remember watching snowflakes hit the window, stick for just a moment and then melt away. I even had a little rhythm going in my head...." hit, stick, and melt. hit stick and melt." :-) ( it was a long morning :-P )

I can still remember the feeling I had as I woke up that morning in a town house in Baltimore.....walking to the hospital....and riding the elevator to the 5th floor. It was a feeling of dread and peace all mixed together. Dread because this day had finally come.....and peace because I knew God was going to work it all out.

......why do I remember this day so well? Why the recalling of every little detail?
January 23rd 2007 was the day Mom had her Open Heart Surgery. Its been a whole year already! To see the change in moms health from one January to the next puts me at a loss for words.....

God is amazing, isn't He!?

Remember to give your mom a hug today!


Unknown said...

For me, it's hard to believe it's only been a year. Not too many days after your mom's surgery (and while still in the hospital) was the first time I met your family, and now it seems like we've known each other for ALMOST ever. What amazing people you are to have allowed us (me and "the kid") to invade such a private, emotional time! There your mom sat, doing a great job making us feel at ease, but....shouldn't that have been the other way around?

I am grateful every day for the new friends God has given!! My love to you all!!

Anonymous said...

Being my only daughter, God left her live to keep my life from falling apart. Karen I love you more than words can say.