Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Did I say nerd? What I meant was......

After my last post I wanted to make sure my readers knew exactly how much my older brother really means to me. I picked on him in the last post (hey, what are little sisters for?), but in the eyes of his younger sister, this is who Wray really is:

A Protector:
-- He was my comfort 12 years ago when we would go to story hour at the Library. I would be so scared without 'mommy' close by and Wray would always sit right beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, mommy will be back soon. I'll take care of you."

--When we were little, he would always hold my hand in the parking lot......he was moms little helper

--Fast forward several years, to the time I'm about 10. I'm riding the go-cart in the backyard and and somehow end up tipping it over on its side. Whoops :-P Who rescues me? Yep, Wray :-)

A Friend:
--Being only 18 months apart, we were always very close friends. From camping in the backyard to chasing chickens in the chicken house, we were ( for the most part) always doing something together. I can remember the day we discovered it was fun to jump through the vent (about 2'x3') in the hallway floor. We made a pile of pillows and blankets in the basement which made for a nice soft landing :-)

--When I was buying my first car Wray was in Master's Commission in Florida. We had always dreamed of the day we could finally drive....yes, I got my love of driving from spending so much time with Wray :-) So, the fact that he was 22 hours away while I was shopping for my first car was quite upsetting. I remember several phone calls about which was better, "a Chevy or a Ford", and, "which has better gas mileage". I even sent him pictures when I finally drove my new car home.

A ....."Help!"
--My car had a flat tire a few weeks ago........yes, Wray fixed it for me :-)

--"Wray! I just got a speeding ticket and I'm scared to tell dad!" He broke the news gently for me :-)

A Class mate:-)
--Being homeschooled, there always seemed to be a lack of students in my class :-) The one I did have though, was a pretty cool kid :-P Science experiments were fun to do together....although by the time we finished, it some times looked like moms whole kitchen had exploded.....

--"Psst. What did you put for number five?" "Nothing yet.......pass the cookies....."

A Role Model
---One of the first things you notice when meeting Wray is that he is an awesome man of God. The way he lives his life is an example for all his friends....and his little sister too.

I could go on, but I'm not going to because I think I've made my point very clear. I love my brother and I am very thankful for him.

The most awesome brother around!


Chuck said...

it really is easy to go on and on about such a great guy!

Cosette said...

Yep, I'll agree with you on that, he's a pretty good brother! (Except when he lets you take the blame for running into garage doors, but we won't go there....will we Wray? ;)

Anonymous said...

He may be your awesome brother, but he is my awesome Grandson. The one and only. Right Kristin?