Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Since day one, Jaime and I have gone through many things together. Some things caused tears, while others made us both laugh like only sisters can. Some of these occasions still come up in our conversations years later.

Me and Jaime 3/9/89

Here are 10 'life lessons' from the life of Jaime and Kristin

  • When washing a load of white clothes, make sure that no GREEN WASHCLOTHS accidentally end up in the load. If one does, you will hear your family complain about mint green socks for several months....and years later when they still tease you about your misfortune and write about it on their blog :-) (Jaime's doing)

  • When too tired to roll out your chocolate chip cookies it is NOT a good idea to put all the dough on one pan does not result in one giant cookie, but rather it results in an oven with flames coming out of it. (My fault)

  • Climbing to the top bunk of the bunk beds your share with your sister is a BAD IDEA. She will most likely push you over the edge and onto the floor because "Mom said you shouldn't be up here!" (Depends on who is telling the story :-) )

  • Ask your little sister to hold onto the dog while you spray her down (the dog, not your sister) :-) That way, when the dog decides to SHAKE, your little sister is soaked while you are safely running in the opposite direction. (uh-huh. Notice the way this is written and you will know who is soaked and who is safe.)

  • Always put your car in PARK before getting out. It will save the garage door a whole lot of pain. (All I can say is my car has never hit anything other than the curb.)

  • Spraying perfume on your older brother IS NOT a good way to let him know that you're not happy with him at the moment. (yeah, I'm the culprit)

  • Mom does NOT enjoy breakfast in bed at 6am on a Saturday morning. Especially when it consists soggy cheerios and burnt toast. (We're both guilty here)

  • Tandem bikes are not EASY to ride. Take it from two girls who fell over more than they moved forward :-) ( Us on vacation many years ago)

  • If you want to here your little sister SCREAM, begin to dig holes in the sand on the beach. Tell her you're digging for crabs and ask for help. Like a nice sister she will stick her hands in the hole and start helping. After a few minutes scream, throw sand in the air and yell, "CRAB!". She will then scream quit loudly. Works every time. (The two of us on vacation....and yes, to my embarrassment, it was just last year)

  • Family is a VERY important part of life. Hold onto them close....They're there for you in good times and bad. (Our family)


Jenny said...

These are hillarious! I don't know if I should say poor you or poor Jaime! I can, however, say that I was a part of the many breakfast in beds that Jaime and I used to make for your mom at 6 a.m. Those were the days. That Jaime isn't so innocent either on all the tricks she played on you! Now I know where you get it, you little prankster! Hehe!

Cosette said...

Kristin, I laughed so hard at a few of those that I thought I must surely be doing damage to my baby! ;) The last one especially---it was so recent, it just felt like yesterday, and cracked me up again!
Also, I loved the picture. How'd you get in on here? Did you scan it? Pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had some nice times with your sister! My brother was almost 14 years older than me and my sister 9 years older. My brother did practical jokes one both my sister and I. he told us both that the reason why they have the bars on the windows on the basement of the Post office (in the town where your Grandma Carol now lives) was because they kept man-eating lions in there and that they had escaped before and ate someone. Everytime my Mom would take us by there, both my sister when she was young and I would start crying hysterically and pull for the other side of the road. After all, who would want to be eaten by man-eating lions??