Sunday, March 9, 2008

* Ding* *Ding* Round One!

Jaime shared her funny story from our shopping trip last week so I thought I'd share mine.

My rather pregnant sister (You're beautiful Jaime!) was shopping for some 'mama clothes'; I was keeping the kids occupied and happy so Jaime had time look. I was pushing Eli in the stroller and Cosette was walking about 3 steps behind me (I don't know why, but she wanted to walk behind us all that a bad sign? :-) ) I stopped to look at something on a rack for literally no more than 7-8 seconds. I continue to walk along. Then, from somewhere in front of me I hear Cosette's little voice say, "I'm thirsty aunt Kristin."
I stop.
Wasn't Cosette behind me? Of course she was. Shes been walking behind us all day.
Well, she had been, but in that short amount of time that I had stopped to look at that rack she had somehow ended up in the stroller.
Ok, Cosettes in the Stroller..... then where's Eli?
I begin to panic as I imagine where my little nephew may be.
He can't be far.....I've only walked a small distance since I stopped at that rack
I turn on "Super Aunt" speed as I spin the stroller around and say "Cosette! Where's your brother?" At that point I've done a 360 and am looking right guessed it.... Eli. He had been standing behind me the whole time. "There he is Aunt Kristin! I found him!" Cosette said with much enthusiasm. Eli just looked up at me and smiled.

I'm speechless! How may I ask, in that short amount of time I spent at that rack, did they switch places without me seeing them? And did they do it on purpose? Did they think "Lets see if we can mess with aunt Kristin's head!" ? If they're starting that sort of stuff already at 2 and 3 ( and its actually working ) I'm doomed! Wait 'til they're 6 and 7 and have another little brother to help them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Aunt Kristin, You have got your hands full. As cute as those two are, someone will grab them up. I can imagine how in a panic you were. Let me know the next time you go shopping and I will pray for you............G. Rosina