Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Smile! You have crazy grandchildren :-)

Hi Grandma! I thought you might need some cheering up since you're stuck inside with this silly weather. I'm sitting here at work trying to decide what I could say to make you laugh........then it hit me.....the one thing that I'm sure will bring a smile to your face is your 3 youngest grand-daughters, Damara, Kristin, and Skyler :-) The three of us always seemed to do something to make you laugh.....I think it was because you were trying not to cry, but thats not the point :-P Anyway, I'm sure you will remember all these occasions......

1) Sky, Mara, and myself were all spending the night at your house. We insisted that we could all fit in the bed in your guest room, and you agreed that we could stay in there ( what fun would grandmas house be if you actually had to go to sleep, right ;-). You sat up with us for a while and told us stories....and we quickly discovered that all three of us could not all fit in the same bed. The idea occured to us, for some odd reason, that if we put the matress on the floor we would have more room. I still can't figure that one out, but I remember how much fun we had trying not to wake pap up while we basically rearranged your guest bedroom so the matress would fit on the floor. The next morning we tried to convince pap that Sky had moved it by herself (I think we picked her because it was believable that she would have actually tried :-) To this day, I still don't know if we convinced him or not ;-)

2) The occasion: One of many 'birthday shopping trips'
The place: Riding down the highway in your red Tracker
The goofiness: The entire ride from my house to the mall, Sky had her head out the window singing,
'99 bottles of coke on the wall' I think we all walked 10 steps behind her the rest of the day :-P

3) There is this one other story that I could tell, but the 4 of us have sworn to secrecy. All I will say is that it involves a red light.............ok, you can stop laughing now........:-P

4) I will apologize on behalf of Skyler for all the gum wrapper that ended up in your hair from the was trouble to put the two of us back there.....

5) Did you know there is a sign in the store in the mall now that says, "No cameras allowed in store" ? Just kidding :-) There should be though; I thought that lady was going to kick us out!

6) We came out of "Long John Silvers" and you discovered that you had locked your keys in the car. We were there for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what to do when you suddenly remembered that you had an extra key in your purse:-) That time you made us laugh!

7) Its Easter Sunday, and we're all eating lunch at your house. Wray, Damara, Syler, and I all have a game of ping-pong going in the basement. Sky and I were on the side of the table facing the steps, Wray and Mara on the other. Mara hits the balls towards Sky who whacks it as hard as she can.....right through the curtain and into the toilet :-) I'll never forget the look on her face as she says, "I'm so glad nobody was in there!" Pap came down and made her put on big rubber gloves and fish the ball out of the toilet......after that we made her stand on the other side of the table when we played ping-pong.

Well, thats all for now. Hope this made you smile :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Kristin, You sure made me laugh. I wonder if Pap thought that I had gone crazy when he heard me laughing so much. I am so glad that we have these good memories.
P.S. It wasn't a red light, it was stright across the intersection. So glad we serve a mighty God. Thank's for not telling on me. I know Skyler reminds me of it once in awhile. Love Ya!