Monday, February 4, 2008

L1, R3, L2, R1......

The right combination has to be here somewhere! It feels like my families lives are going in circles right now.
In my last (very short) post, I said that my Grandma was facing surgery this week. However, in the few hours since that post, the circumstances have changed. Her arm was still to weak from that surgery she had on Friday, and her blood pressure wasn't right to do surgery. So the doctors decided it was in the best interest of all involved to send her home for a few weeks to get her strength back. Please continue to remember her in your prayers as she will have several more weeks to think about this. And also remember my mom...its only been a year since her heart surgery (which was done at the same hospital and by the same doctor that is doing grandmas) and its difficult for her to be back in that hospital.....too many memories.


Chuck said...


Cosette said...

Kristin---I sure hope that you are feeling a lot better by now! By the way, I just tagged you on my blog! I will be interested to see your post :) Go check it out!