Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Anybody home in there....?

I hadn't seen Cosette in about a week due to my work schedule and being quite sick for several days. So, she came to spend the night last night since I didn't have to work and am feeling better. She came running through the front door and squealed her 'little girl squeal' and gave me a huge bear hug. "Aunt Kristin, I am so happy! I'm spending the night at your house tonight!" Those hugs from my 3 year old niece always make my heart melt.....
Anyway, we had a fun night of reading books, singing songs....lots of songs......and eating ice cream cake :-) The real reason for this post, however, is to tell you this story....

Those of you who know Cosette know that she likes to get up at a pretty early hour of the morning. I was prepared for it this morning when I heard her come down the hall to 'see if aunt Kristin is up yet.' I'm not exactly sure what time it was, but it was still dark outside.

If I don't open my eyes, she'll think I'm still asleep...
"Aunt Kristin.....are you awake?"
Just don't move a muscle. She'll give up eventually
"It's morning time! Time to get up"
Think invisible. Think invisible.
"I really do think you should get up now."
Maybe if I started snoring......
I hear her leave the room.....
See, shes gone. That wasn't so hard......here she comes again
This time she puts her face right in mine
Hmmm....she had banana for breakfast
She then hops onto my bed, takes her two index fingers and opens my eyelids.
"Good morning! As long as you're awake, you might as well get out of bed!"


Cosette said...

Yep, sounds like my daughter, alright!

Unknown said...

Such a funny little kid!! Thanks for the morning chuckle.

bluemountainmama said...

HILARIOUS!!!!! and you have a blog.... awesome! caleb misses miss kristin. :)

Anonymous said...

:-D priceless, thanks for sharing *lol*

My friend's son always let the dog wake me up ("no Mommy, it wasn't me who woke Aunt Helen") in sending it into my room, where it would happily jump upon my bed and slobber about my face *ugh*.
This was usually at 4 am in the morning and he followed the dog a few seconds later with the question "will you read me a comic book please". Well, since I was "awake anyway", I read comics with him.

He is fourteen now and sometimes I miss it, that he does not wake me up anymore like he did years ago.