If you had told me on June 15th when classes started that this day would come so fast I probably would have just laughed, thinking 'yeah right' in my head. However, believe it or not, the past 2 months have flown by and there are now only two days of clinicals standing between me and my certificate! To be honest, I have a problem finishing a lot of stuff that I start, so the fact that the end is in my grasp amazes me....and my family :-)
There are several people who have really helped me in making through a summer full of classes, and I would like to thank them publicly.
- Dad: Making phone calls to the business office, calling me off sick when I caught a stomach bug from the nursing home, and those much appreciated extra tanks of gas are just a few of the things you did that made this summer less stressful for me.
- Mom: I would be in such a hurry to get to class in the morning that my room would always look like a tornado went through it when I left. However, every day when I came home my room would be in perfect order. I know we joked about the little elves that cleaned it up, but I want you to know how much such a simple act means! And most of all, thank you for my daily proverb. Every one of them hit a place in my heart...usually exactly what I needed to hear that day!
- Wray: I so appreciate your encouragement! You may not realize it, but your text messages to me every morning before class started put me in better spirits for the day. Just to know that you were thinking about me made me feel like a pretty special sister :-]
- Joel, Jaime, and Kids: Thank you so much for your prayers. You both reminded me that you were praying for me and were always interested in how my day at school had gone. Thanks for being there in thoughts and prayers!
Just a few more days! I can hardly believe it!
Kristin---I knew from that first time that you told me you were thinking of doing this that you COULD do it, and you'd do great. And you did!! I am so proud of you :)
(By the way, now that you're almost a CNA, you will be the first person I call when my children are throwing up in the middle of the night...."Oh sister CNA dear, I need your help...." ;)
No, seriously, Kristin, we are so happy for you! Good job :)
Congratulations on almost being done! That is awesome. School is not always an easy thing to finish...been there, done that but I'm excited for you for your new endeavors and you will be great!
P.S. I hope cops and robbersons didn't make you never want to come back to the house. Sarah's pick,not mine! Hehe
Good job... and way to thank the little people that made it all possible... ha ha
To my dearest Cuzzy,
When we are old and grey,
I will call on my Cuzzy CNA,
by saying "Hey,
My diaper is very stinkay,
can you change it for may (me)?"
And my skilled Cuzzy will say:
"You are crazay!"
I love you Cuzzy. I'm so glad you'll finally be done. And, aw shucks, I guess I'm proud of you, too. Praying for the next 2 days! Congrats are soon to be in order.
when is your "test day" to demonstrate your knowledge and skill and get your certificate??
I received my certificate from AC on the last day of Clinicals. As far as the states test...they will be taking place on the 22nd aka this saturday.
my advice: Practice some of the basics so you can do them confidently, by the book, most instructors are helpful if they see you "pretty much" know what you are doing.
so go thru the routines of bed-bath and transfers and "safety" is your priority, put the side rails up if you have to leave the side of the bed and lock the wheelchair if you are doing a transfer; basic stuff but easy to forget in the "moment"
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