Monday, December 17, 2007

Where were you when the lights went out......?

.....I was actually sitting on the couch doing a sudoku :-] Yes, we lost our electricity last night around 7. It's finally beginning to look like winter outside with a few inches of snow on the ground.....however all the beautiful snow brought along some nasty wind that knocked the power out. So what does one do when the electricity goes out? Well, if your name is Kristin you would.......

Watch movies on your portable DVD player until the battery dies
Read your book by light of a candle
Creep yourself out by walking around the dark house carrying a was the perfect scene for a 'haunted house' movie :-]
Wish you could remeber where you left your flashlight.....I found it in my car this morning. Oh yeah, thats where I left it!
Thank God for electricity......

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


Cosette said...

Don't you hate it when you can't find that flash light? For me, it's usually because some child has hid it under the bed or something :) And, were you walking around with a candle creeping yourself out for necessities sake, or just for the fun of it? :)

Kristin said...

Jaime, it started out for a necessary reason (like finding the Golden Grahams in the kitchen:-]) Then I was just bored so I decided to see how creeped out I could get:-]

Kristin said...
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Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.